ContentQL ContentQL Docs

Quick Start

ContentQL provides a comprehensive suite of features, including domains, websites, databases, scalability, open-source applications, and a thriving developer marketplace.

This guide outlines various topics to facilitate your rapid integration with the platform:

  1. Deploying from GitHub Repository: Bring your code from GitHub and allow ContentQL to handle the deployment process.
  2. Deploying a Template: Ideal for deploying pre-configured websites with minimal effort.
  3. Deploying an Application: Ideal for deploying software and integrating it seamlessly.

Deploying Your Project - From Github

  • Open up the dashboard -> Click the button New Project
  • Choose github repo button.
  • If you haven't connected your github yet. You'll see the button Configure github app. Click on it and connect you github.
  • After connecting your GitHub account, you will have access to all your repositories and can import them into ContentQL.

Deploying a template

For template deployment, we'll use the Bolt template for our template marketplace

Currently ContentQL marketplace offers free different templates that have been created by both community and by our team!

  • Open up the dashboard -> Click New Project.
  • Choose Deploy a template


  • Search for the desired template.
  • Click on the template you want to deploy.


Note: If you want a preview of the template, click on the play button when hovered on any template.

For the illustration purpose, let's deploy a portfolio theme.

  • When you click on import button of portfolio theme, you'll be redirected to deploy page.


  • The project name and website name will be automatically generated for you. You are welcome to modify them as per your preference.
  • You can add the following custom configurations such as custom domain, storage (S3 compatible), resend (for email configurations)

Even if you do not have your custom integrations, we will provide all the integrations for now. You can always modify them with your own integrations to gain more controlled access to your data. Please note that you must be a pro member to add your own integrations.

Note: Even if you don't have your custom integrations, we'll add our details


  • Choose any of one the database between tursoDB/MongoDB.

  • Click Deploy once you are ready! You can check the status of the deployment. Once successfully deployed you'll be redirected to the dashaboard and you can see your project.

If you deployed your application/template with turso db, you can directly see your website which is live. If it is deployed with mongo db, you'll see the following page.


  • Click on load demo data to pre load all the sample data.

Deploying a application

  • Open up the dashboard -> Click New Project.

  • Choose Deploy an App

  • You'll have the following options, to add them as a service in your application.

  1. Chatwoot - For integrating support
  2. Mattermost
  3. Focal board - For project management
  4. Cal - Managing events
  5. Flowise
  6. Wordpress
  7. Ghost

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